Monday, October 5, 2009


Happy Monday to All!
This next ride is a fun, challenging one that deals with intervals. It is based on Jennifer Sage's ( AudioPROfile available to members of, a website I cannot recommend enough!

Essentially, there are 3 x 13 minute intervals (and a 4 minute 'bonus'), preceded by a 6 minute warm up. Each interval 'steps up' the intensity of the ride, the perceived exertion and the heart rate via adding first cadence (interval 1), jumps (interval 2), and resistance (interval 3). The 'bonus' is a 4 minute surge up a steep hill. Between each period of exertion there is a 4 minute 'recovery', returning to a perceived exertion of 6.5 or 7 (or HR of about 75).

The remaining time is spent in a seated flat at an aerobic heart rate.
I'm really pleased with this mix but am uncomfortable posting a more detailed profile as it is based on the work of somebody else. I recommend you become a member of and reap the benefits of the full profile (in addition to many other exciting treats) there.

Here is the link. Total Runtime is 1:01:24
